SEA HILL PRESS was founded in 1988 in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, by Greg Sharp, CEO and President. The operation later was moved to Washington State, where it was established under a corporate structure as Sea Hill Press Inc in 1999. From its foundation, the company has thrived by meeting the challenges put forth by eccentric personalities and complex publishing merchandising ventures. Sea Hill Press has produced books, television merchandise, and companion products for many organizations. We are proud to have worked on cooking shows with great chefs such as Chef John Sarich of St Michelle Wine estates; The Galloping Gourmet, Graham Kerr; Nick Stellino; and the chefs of syndicated series such as MasterChef and the BBC Television series Great Food.
SEA HILL STUDIO was formed in 2012 to support the developing needs for documentary film production. Sea Hill staff have actively worked with publishing and television projects since the company’s inception. Formalizing the Studio allowed for our focused attention on new projects. Working with a close team of industry contractors, Sea Hill Studio produces and directs film content from conception to completion.
Today the company operates from its offices in Leesburg Florida USA